Driving School 101


Created by Theresa 16 years ago
I remember the week that Steven decided to teach Sabrina how to drive a stick shift! They had moved to 14th Avenue in Whitestone to a beautiful 2 family house that they shared with Sabrina's parents. I had decided to stay with them for as long as I could without mom & dad going nuts! Steve decides to teach Sab to drive the stick, OMG.. after a week of grinding the clutch, he decides its ok for her to take the car on her own, with me in it... we go to the store, we are in the rain,going up a hill, Sabrina panics, almost to the top of the hill, we start rolling backwards. NOT GOOD! Sabrina forgets everything Steven taught her and now we are screwed. The car is grinding away, rolling, jerking forward. Its pouring, I'm scared, Sabrina's crying, and here comes Steven in the other car. He said he had a feeling he should follow us...boy was I glad he did. There he is in the rain standing at the drivers side door screaming at Sabrina to put the car in park and put on the emergency break, shes not listening because shes crying to hard.Finally it's done he drives the stick home, we drive the other car. She swears she is never driving that car again, he says, yes you will you just need more practice. She says not gonna drive it ever again. Steven went to bed. Just another memory that makes me smile