msval1130 19th December 2007

Happy Birthday to my brother....What do I say...Life is not getting easier nor is the pain subsiding. There are so many things that I want to know, but have no way of knowing. Your kids are being strong and have so much that was left unsaid. Just remember through any bad times, how much they really love you...Your grandchildren are very lucky to have had you, and I wish I could be 1/4 of a grandparent as you were. Steven, why???? Today you would have hit 55 years old, and so many plans for the future. I have no answers for why you went except that God had called to you, and I wish I could understand why you. You were a very important, strong person in my life and I miss talking to you so much. Sometimes I am not sure if anyone understands, but I can tell you that my life is forever changed without your presence in it. I love you big brother and a very happy birthday to you. Vito, You, and Dominick, Nov, Dec, and Jan...3 months of birthdays together...have fun ya